Every shade of white you need
Probably the most requested advice I’m asked is for wall color help. It’s a challenging topic for a lot of reasons, but most daunting is the sheer amount of options out there. I also think most folks feel the pressure to pick an “actual” color, as opposed to a white or neutral…

Thoughts on faux tiling
This is a topic that really stems from the bigger and constant struggle in rehabilitation which is whether or not it’s okay to source reproduction instead of authentic materials, especially for old homes where the original product is still available but perhaps cost prohibitive…

To island or not to island
I grew up in the era where if you were going to renovate your kitchen you were most definitely putting in an island. They have grown into a go-to functional piece in your layout as well as a sort-of status symbol. However, in the last few years the island has been kicked off it’s pedestal, if you will. Frankly, I’m happy to hear it…

The Ranch renaissance
Not that I have this conversation often and, in fact, it’s pretty much exclusively a topic discussed in my own head… however it’s something I have very strong feelings about: the inherent loveliness of the boring brick ranch…

Finding a room’s “anchor”
I love quick and dirty design advice to wield out to friends or clients in a pinch. I have a few on-hand tips to get you un-stuck from whatever road block you may be facing. A lot of times, the biggest hurtle I’m asked about is simply where to begin. For a lot of homeowners, especially those new to a house, an empty space can feel very daunting…